It is very interesting how there have been two recent releases of yoga documentaries, both of which share a common concern for yoga in the west. Their findings clearly show that for the majority of people, yoga has simply become a series of postures. There is evidently a lack of meditation, breath work, and also depth of morals and disciplines being incorporated into the practice. I very much connected with some of the discussions in the Yoga Maya Movie which denotes 3 main illusions about yoga. Overall, the first misconception is that yoga is asana, the physical. The second misconception is that 200 hours of teacher training is sufficient to be teaching yoga to the masses. And the third, is that yoga is a religion! All these illusions (unreal visions) or delusions (wrong beliefs) discredit an ancient and mysterious practice, that when explored more completely has “remarkable potential as a vehicle for personal transformation”. The mind body experience of yoga enhances the spiritual and soul nourishing aspects.

As for ‘the big picture’ of yoga in the Vancouver and area, for the last year and a half I have only been able to observe and speculate from a distance. What I perceive here with the closing of many prominent studios is that yoga is changing significantly and something must be missing. Although one cannot be certain as to why the school systems are breaking down, I believe these documentaries indirectly touch on that subject. It may seem too simple or obvious, but maybe the foundations of yoga are breaking because the fundamentals of yoga are not being practiced?

Certainly, I do not feel that every person or every studio has to embrace all aspects yoga to grow, but I do feel that the world would be a much better place if everyone could practice more of what it actually encompasses. Breathing, stretching, and looking inwards (opposed to looking outwards) are all a great start to bring forth the betterment things. I hope to share some of these authentic elements of yoga with you next week, in John Lawson Park. In the meantime, have a wonderful Canada Day!




Green Tip – Recycle or Donate Old Computers and Laptops

With rising costs due to inflation, many families or schools do not have the sufficient funds available for computers to be utilized along with education standards. Many non-profit organizations can be found locally, as well as around the web and give detailed descriptions on how to donate. The benefits can be seen locally and globally, affecting thousands of those in need.

If you have an old, yet functional laptop computer and like the idea of repurposing your electronics, Lori can take these items back to Peru for the Kusi Kawsay (Happy Life) Andean School in the Sacred Valley of Pisac. We have donated cash funds to contribute to the rise of this school 5 years ago, and now they have grown to have nearly 100 students who come from all over the surrounding region! To help the less fortunate by recycling your used laptop computer, contact or bring your working laptop and power pack to Yoga by the Beach.